Resident Evil Village Reportedly Had Mermaid Enemies
Renowned leaker AestheticGamer reveals Capcom originally had plans to include mermaid-like enemies for Resident Evil: Village. Resident Evil...
Renowned leaker AestheticGamer reveals Capcom originally had plans to include mermaid-like enemies for Resident Evil: Village. Resident Evil...
Remedy Entertainment and Rockstar Games announces remakes of Max Payne 1 and 2 for PC and current-gen consoles. Max Payne 1 and 2 Remake Ann...
Recent datamine leak for Halo Infinite reveals a "Last Spartan Standing" mode, which could be a long-rumored Battle Royale. Halo I...
Bandai Namco recently removes multiplayer tags for Dark Souls series of games for PC on Steam, which could be permanent. Dark Souls Trilogy...
A new game in Tomb Raider series has been confirmed by Crystal Dynamics, which begins a new saga in Unreal Engine 5. Crystal Dynamics Announ...
Newest lineup of Xbox Game Pass is adding Dragon Age 2, Life Is Strange: True Colors, Lost In Random and more for April 2022. Xbox Game Pass...
A brave Tarnished warrior recently found a way to break Malenia's Waterfowl Dance attack in Elden Ring. Elden Ring Player Discovers How ...
Sony announces to add Outer Wilds, Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood and more to PlayStation Now in April 2022. PlayStation Now Adds Out...
Blizzard Entertainment's official website source code accidentally leaks World of Warcraft's upcoming expansion, Dragonflight. World...
MCU-inspired Iron Man outfit is currently available on Marvel's Avengers marketplace for those who didn't have it already. Marvel...
Square Enix promises to add a new batch of content for Final Fantasy XIV and its newest expansion Endwalker via patch 6.1. Final Fantasy XIV...
Faster Respawn fan-made mod reduces load times after death or in between fast travel for PC version of Elden Ring. Elden Ring Mod Lets You R...