Just Cause 4 Tornado Gameplay Reveal

Aside from taking down evil organizations, Rico Rodriguez chases down destructive tornado in Just Cause 4.

Three years after the release of Just Cause 3, action-adventure title Just Cause 4 got leaked through a Steam listing shortly before developer Avalanche Studios and publisher Square Enix could officially announce the game during E3 2018 press conference.

People who were looking forward to see protagonist Rico Rodriguez back in action got what they wanted and a gameplay trailer was revealed too. Recently at Gamescom 2018, another gameplay trailer is dropped for the game.

just cause 4 gameplay trailer tornado
Just Cause 4 Tornado Gameplay Reveal

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Below is a brand-new video displaying use of gadgets at Rico's disposal and how he tame a tornado after chasing it down.

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The trailer heavily focuses on extreme weather within the open-world of this titular action game and how our hero handles it. As he goes to SolĂ­s to stop the tyrannical paramilitary group called The Black Hand, he faces some climatic obstacles.

There is an armored vehicle called the Storm Chaser, which Rico uses to chase a towering tornado by taking down a few wind cannons placed there to keep it under control and divert the wind from current course while it takes down everything on its way.

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To take down one of those wind cannons, he uses a railgun and this weapon has a secondary fire option like any other guns from the game. He can also take assistance from a drone and use it for grapple point.

The developers used a redefined version of their Apex game engine to create a dynamic weather system that obeys the laws of physics during blizzards, rain, storms and devastating tornados. Avalanche just teased us what sort of destruction real-world climate change can cause in future.

just cause 4 tornado gameplay storm chaser
Pursues Cyclone in Storm Chaser

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Before Just Cause 4 finally launches on December 4, 2018 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, we will probably know more about the game from the developer and publisher.

So far, the game looks more like its predecessor Just Cause 3 and despite having many gameplay mechanics tweaked, people are still skeptical because that game had a mixed response from fans in general.
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