The Evil Within 2 Ending Explained

Being famous for being created by Resident Evil game creator Shinji Mikami, which despite being a survival horror is not-Resident Evil. Tango Gameworks brilliantly picked up many elements of its spiritual mentor and yet managed to be a unique series of its own, teaming up with Bethesda Softworks. Players got to go into a world that is completely other-worldly and was built with elements of horrors.

tango gameworks the evil within 2
The Evil Within 2 Ending Explained

The game is just out now and it's been only a few days after. So, out best guess is that, many of you who have stumbled onto this post have not probably finished the entire game yet. It will take you over 16 hours more or less to finish The Evil Within 2 and as we are about to do a lot of spoiler, you might as well finish the game first and read this article if you don't want to be spoiled in advance.


The game revolves around police detective Sebastian Castellanos of Krimson City, who was in charge of a mass murder case at Beacon Mental Hospital. His investigation led him with his partner Joseph Oda and Junior Detective Juli Kidman into a world of abnormality and monstrosities walking around every corner, trying to take their lives at all times. There, Sebastian came to know of a shadow organization Mobius and their secret project STEM. With assistance from Juli, he was able to destroy STEM and got out of it.

shinji mikami the evil within 2
The Tragic House Fire

Now, this is what led Sebastian to the plot point of The Evil Within 2 and from here, the story progresses onwards. He has spent three years solving the mystery of Beacon Mental Hospital and the involvement of Mobius with it because no one believed him on that. Meanwhile, his wife Myra goes missing and he lost his daughter Lily to a house fire. Even if it was years ago and even before the STEM incident, it led him to drown in his sorrows and seeking solace in a bar by drowning into liquor bottles.

His former partner and a double-agent for Mobius, Juli Kidman approaches him with the news of his daughter Lily being alive and in order to save her, Sebastian has to enter the STEM once again. He enters the other-worldly plane inside the STEM and as he saw before, the people inside the town called The Union were going crazy and trying to kill each other.

the evil within 2 union
Inside The Union

Mobius also sent a team of Julian Sykes, Liam O’Neal, Miles Harrison, William Baker and Yukiko Hoffman, whom detective Castellanos keeps an eye on. Sebastian finds the team leader of Mobius operatives, William Baker already dead but is stuck in a repeated photographic loop of his brains blowing out. He meets a deranged psychopath named Steafno Valentini, who was a former war photographer gone insane and now he kills people to create art with them.

the evil within 2 stem
Photographic Death Loop

Steafno join forces with Mobius neuro specialist named Theodore Wallace, who went AWOL and now wants control over the machine. As Union starts breaking down, Steafno goes crazier. He is actually after Sebastian's daughter Lily, whom Theodore wanted to get his hands on as Lily is acting as the Core for STEM just like Ruvik was before.

the evil within 2 steafno valentini
The Deadly Photographer

It appears that Sebastian's wife Myra is also a part of this madness, who never believed that her child died. So, when Juli offered her a chance to get her daughter back, she agreed to be a part of the plan of taking down Mobius along with a soldier named Esmeralda Torres and Theodore Wallace. The plan was to replace Lily and Myra taking her place as the Core to shut them down from the inside.

the evil within 2 father theodore wallace
In The Name of Father Theodore

However, while everyone else was following the original plan, Theodore decides to take Lily and gain control over Mobius through STEM, because all of Mobius’ employees are connected to it. His faced was scarred by Myra when he forcibly tried to take Lily from her after they just rescued the girl. As they were fighting, Lily gets stranded within the Union. Mobius sent more agents to retrieve Lily but they all end up dead inside.

the evil within 2 sebastian castellanos
The Quest for Lily

Upon her plan falling apart, Juli Kidman brought Sebastian in to help save his wife and daughter in a last ditch effort. Unable to get his hands on the power he seeks, Theodore lures Steafno Valentini and others with his power of manipulation to hunt down Lily in exchange for great powers. As the entire STEM was using Lily as its Core, the Union starts breaking up after she went into hiding. As a side effect, many of the residents start losing their minds before turning into savage creatures, The Lost and killing others present there.

the evil within 2 the lost
Among The Lost

When Steafno eventually manages to get Lily, it caused the Union to break apart even more but he is killed at the hands of Sebastian before he could hand over her to Father Theodore. Turned into a monster now, Myra takes Lily and run away. Theodore desperately tries to convince Sebastian of providing power and safety, in exchange for total submission but got declined. The madman then kills all the Mobius members except Liam O’Neal, whom he took control over.

the evil within 2 myra matriach
Myra Becomes Matriach

In the ensuing clash between Theodore Wallace and Sebastian Castellanos sees the end of many lives. The villain phase-shifts out of there and with help from a dying Liam, Theodore is flushed out again. Esmeralda Torres gets accidentally shot by Sebastian during this time but she ends up dying while trying to save her. She was actually the one that Mobius sent to burn down his house and abduct Lily. So, seeing this as a chance for redemption, she joined Juli in her mission.

In one final showdown, Sebastian gets the upper hand on Father Theodore even after the latter unleashing a wave of past horrors on his mind but then is impaled by Myra in the end. Theodore also stabs at her neck before she delivers the fatal blow and Union starts falling apart even further. Myra takes a monstrous form that attacks Sebastian but then also helped him reunite with his daughter before bidding them goodbye.

the evil within 2 juli kidman
Juli Kidman Betrays Mobius

Seeing Sebastian made it out alive, the chief executive of Mobius orders Juli Kidman to instruct him to the extraction point. Then Sebastian will be killed and Lily will be taken so that they can re-build the STEM again. Juli decides to carry out her original plan and retaliates against her fellow agents. By working along with Myra, Juli brings down STEM from within and then kills all the Mobius employees using a signal to destroy the implants in their body. She helps them escape from Mobius facility as Sebastian and Lily escaped Union right before it collapsed. The father-daughter duo then rides off to the sunset like a typical happy ending.

We believed that everything with Mobius or STEM ended here but as the post-credit scene starts rolling, we see that STEM reboots itself. This probably hints that Myra is still alive inside the program and also for a sequel maybe!

Well, the entire setup on which the story of The Evil Within 2 has taken place is an exceptional one and that separates the game from typical monster-hunting spree of other horror games. Presented by Bethesda Softworks, The Evil Within 2 is now available to take you on a journey of survival horror as you play it on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Shinji Mikami also wants to release the game on Nintendo Switch if possible as Bethesda is already working on many of their titles to release on Switch.
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